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這一兩年發現自己已經沒有那種熬夜讀書/趕報告的體質了, 總在12到1點間自動入睡. 


寫報告寫到早上感覺還滿痛快的, 除了成就感外, 不知道為什麼還很亢奮, 配下以下幾首最近的愛歌(唱出我的心聲!!), 我覺得直接跑趴也行!! 

 Flo Rida - In the Ayer

 Wiz Khalifa - No Sleep

 Sak Noel - Paso

 Wiz Khalifa - Young, Wild and Free

以前小時候搖頭丸正盛行的時候新聞常看到警察臨檢帶回一批批吸食者, 那時只覺得好笑, 一群人擠在一起搖頭做什麼. 

自從看了skins之後, 拍攝手法完全讓我對英國青少年的drug culture兼夜店閃爍的雷射光著迷. 

也說不清楚為什麼著迷, 但是實際上處在於夜店的重低音與因為燈光而撲朔的視線下時, 那種感覺就像回到家一樣.(誤) 

第一次看我跳舞的人會說我很厲害很會跳, 不過比較熟一點的朋友都說我跳舞很可愛, 因為臉上掛著大笑容, 很像幼幼台的帶動唱(反正不走性感路線).

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看了總統大選的辯論, 覺得好煩悶呀.
雖然馬英九不古意些是好的, 但也太aggressive了吧, 要打蔡也不是這樣打的嘛, 至少要聽聽司儀跟提問者說了些什麼呀~

看了網友的評論也挺悶的, 常常幾句話, 就會有人罵來留言的大陸人.
不過為什麼大陸人不能留言啊? 又沒規定只有台灣人才能對這些發表意見.
其實一直有種感覺, 很多時候, 我們真的沒必要把自己瞧高了, 對岸也不太稀罕我們的, 對他們而言, 我們就是他們多元的其中一地域僅以.

Anyways, 還是來看fashion show吧!
這般長腿, 真的不是一般人的境界啊...

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聽了好幾年了, 仍然是好歌.
放開執著, 放開一個人...

Schau mich nicht so an
denn du weisst genau, es ist nicht so wie du denkst
es ist viel schlimmer, ist es fuer immer?
Glotz mich nicht so an
ich muss dir das jetzt sagen weil es ist wie es ist
es tut zwar ganz schoen weh, aber ich geh'
Starr mich nicht so an
denn ich werd' dir jetzt nicht sagen was du hoeren willst
ich glaub's ja selber nicht

Aber ich will dich nie wieder kuessen
Denn ich will dich nie wieder vermissen
Ich will dich nie wieder kuessen
Nie wieder vermissen

Versuch mich zu verstehn
ich hatte einen Traum, doch der war wohl zu schoen
lass mich los, lass mich gehn
Schau mich nicht so an
ich glaub dir deine Traenen, doch es aendert nichts daran
ich glaub's doch selber nicht

(Nie wieder kuessen, vermissen, denn du hast nicht gecheckt, unser Bild ist laengst zerrissen
warum kann ich dich nicht vergessen, warum laesst du mich nicht gehn
deine Wahrheit ist nicht meine, darum wirst du mich nie verstehn

Du immer du, nur du, lass mich in Ruh', ich hab geglaubt du hoerst mir zu
du hast nie gefragt, darum bleibt es dir jetzt nicht erspart es zu nehmen
wie es ist
weil es zu Ende ist, denn ich will dich nie wieder, nie wieder kuessen
Nie wieder vermissen,
Ich glaub's ja selber nicht)

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The Zombies - Time of the Season


大學第一年看了學校劇團的表演, 是Alice in the Wonderland.
當毛毛蟲抽著大麻的時候, 背景就是這首Zombies的Time of the Season.
對演毛毛蟲的金髮男生大大impressed, 可能是因為他好像真的帶著大麻跟酒演出.
同時也對這首歌, 還有Zombies有了喜愛.
(結果好多年過去了我一直都沒有勇氣加入St Andrews Mermaid劇團...)

本來計畫二月時要去James Morrison的演唱會, 這個大學一年級時就想去, 可是沒機會去的.
多年後我來到了這個城市, 碰巧他又來了, 簡直是天意!
可惜我低估了James的人氣, 拖了一個月才想訂票, 明明還有三個月以上的時間, 居然已經售盡!
心碎之餘, 心急之下, 我瘋狂瀏覽了Glasgow近半年內的所有活動, 結果被我發現了...
the Zombies 50th Anniversary Concert!!!

OMG, 其實就像所有我喜歡的那個年代, the Beatles, Mamas and Papas等等, 我沒有期望過他們全員還好好活著, 但是他們不但尚且安在, 還在持續出著專輯, 同時世界巡迴.
好啦, 其實當年的五人也已解散, 現在只有主唱Colin, 跟鍵盤手兼作曲Roger還是原班.(雖然我覺得大家應該覺得有他們兩個就是全部了:P)

(本來是要他陪我去Jason DeRulo的演唱會的, 不過小j的耳朵無法承受他的歌...)
在Edinburgh一家叫做Cave的酒吧, 表演晚了近一個小時才開始, 就在我爆發的臨界點.
然後, 看到Colin跟Roger, 一切都值得啊~!!!
Colin還從我身旁經過, 跟我excuse me呢!

在場讓我驚異的是, 不只有老年人, 中年人, 甚至有跟我年紀差不多或者更年輕的歌迷.
然後看著老歌迷像對著老朋友似的像Roger喊話, 或者年輕歌迷隨著音樂愉快的擺動, 激動處歡呼尖叫, 不亦樂乎.

The Zombies - She's Not There


The Zombies - I Love You

Colin, 最棒的高音.

The Zombies - Care of Cell 44


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不知道從什麼時候開始, 電腦裡存在了這首.
不知道是Frank Sinatra什麼時期錄製的, 很是很清朗的男聲, 是我鍾情的類型, 聽了真的覺得很青春.


如果要我選擇, 30年代的美國, 與60年代的英國, 我一定會不知所措吧.
這與對於平安時代, 幕末時期的幻想, 對於人文起飛15至18世紀後法國的憧憬, 又是不同的了.

大概是追風的感覺, 讓我覺得很young吧.(笑)

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Mika! 不知道是誰翻唱的, 可是肯定是翻唱自Mika的Lollipop!

雖然翻唱已經很常見了, 但每次聽到喜歡的歌變成中文的了還是會驚訝一下, 而這個讓我驚訝過於多下的原因, 落在她的MV...

(圖1左是原本, 右是翻唱版.
圖2上是原本, 下是翻唱版)


最後, blame it on the girls.


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新年新氣象, 今年也跟親愛的自己好好相處吧!(笑)

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Some things we don't talk about
better do without
and just hold a smile

falling in and out of love
a scene their proud
of together all the while

You can never say never while we don't know
it time and time again
younger now then we were before

dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go
dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go

Picture you're the queen of everything
as far as the eye can see
under your command

I will be your guardian
from all that's coming down
steady your hand

You can never say never while we don't know it
time time and time again
younger now then we were before

dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go
dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go.

We're falling apart, we're coming together, again and again
we're crawling apart, but we're falling together
falling together together again

Never say never, 我近年來才領悟到的東西, 人生也就是這麼回事.
時間不到, 就算是掌舵的自己也不能下定論啊~

所以熟識我的大概都知道, 我無論在人生目標, 居住地點, 感情等等, 不但沒一項是我以前有料到的, 更是我希望的相反.
所以為了我好... 我開始希望以後會結婚, 會生七個小孩, 全都不和睦, 打打鬧鬧, 也不孝順(???)--->這樣會以相反的方式成真嗎?xD(默禱)

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悼念一位我喜愛的, 半輩子都被大眾誤會, 被世人取笑, 被媒體做文章的藝術家.(默)

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All this time I was wasting
Hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances
Everytime and all you do is let me down
And it's taken me this long
Baby but I've figured you out
And you thinking we'll be fine again
But not this time around

You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry
No, no, no, no

Looking so innocent
I might believe you
If I didn't know
Could have loved you all my life
If you had'nt left me waiting
In the cold
And you've got your share of secrets
And I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
'Cause it's worked each time before

But you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry
No, no, oh
You're not sorry
No, no, oh

You had me crawling for you honey
And it never would have gone away, no
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade

So you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There's nothing left to beg for
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry
No, no, oh
You're not sorry
No, no, oh...

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儘管大力贊同Sex and The City的lifestyle, 自己也打算以此為目標, 但心裡卻同Carrie一樣, 憧憬著浪漫電影中的愛情.(現在才想到Carrie最喜歡的歌也是moon river.. 還是the Big?)

Moon river, wider than a mile
I‘m crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin',
I'm goin' your way

Two drifters,
off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end,
waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend,
Moon River, and me

Breakfast at Tiffany's, 然後是另一部美國女人的最愛(You've Got Mail外), Sleepless in Seattle.
(這是我最最最喜歡的歌, 一聽到就會哭的那種...)

When I fall in love it will be forever
or I'll never fall in love
ln a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it' s begun
and too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart it will be completely
or I'll never give my heart
And the moment i can feel that you feel that way too
is when I fall in love with you

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事實是, 不管跟誰再怎麼親密, 我們或許不是隻身獨影, 但還是是一個人, 從出身到死亡都是.


I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...

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Take That的How deep is your love是他們的歌中我最喜歡的一首--- 儘管原來是Bee Gees, 但很對不起我自己的原則的是, 我喜歡Take That的版本.(小小聲)(我向你們道歉呀呀呀呀呀!!!!!)

Coz when living in a world of fools
Breaking us down when they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

(請不要被mv裡的女人嚇到... 雖然我也被嚇到了.

我一直以為, 只要一直等待, 總有一天soul mate總會出現.
因為是soul mate, 自然外觀身段等等吸引力都不重要, 因為愛戀是繫在靈魂上的.
但是, 不記得是高一還是高二的時候了, 我的世界崩毀了.
我不再相信神仙眷侶, 也不再相信真愛.
因為我眼中的仙人, 到底也只是凡人, 一如愛情是需要經營的, 一如諸多繁雜瑣事.

但是, 我還是喜歡S Club 7的Two in a million, 喜歡"you're different from others", 喜歡"we are two in a million"; 聽到蔡依林的只有一個你, 還是會輕哼 "想到這裡, 我就忍不住輕輕哭泣..."
同樣是S Club 7的Never had a dream come true從來就是我的最愛.

I never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
I never found a word to say
You're the one I think about each day

最後還是, Boyz II Men的End Of The Road
I belong to you, you belong to me...

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夏季, 這個季節就會讓人情不自禁的想到一些西洋老歌, 包括Casablanca, Sealed With A Kiss等情歌, 也包括這兩天在我腦中縈繞不去的Hotel California與Summer Wine.
(順帶一提, 我覺得When I Fall In Love就是屬於冬季的歌!)

Summer Wine是Lee Hazlewood在60年代末與Nancy Sinatra合唱的曲子.
初次聽到這首歌是年初在德國的時候, 當下因旋律的節奏與歌詞產生的顫慄讓我興奮而緊繃, 有種喘不過氣來的感覺. 雖然沒看過其他人說, 但是很明確的, 這首也是在講述那個年代的故事.

草莓, 櫻桃, 和春日的天使之吻---這就是讓詞中男角上癮而失去一切的東西. 雖然好似美好而甜美, 不過卻隱隱指著毒品.
陌生的女子以這釀成的酒慢慢地使男人失去行動力與金錢, 到最後離不開了的男子只能匍伏在異鄉渴求更多更多陌生女子的酒, 但她卻早已遠去.

歌詞分成三段來敘述, 因為是漸進的關係, 所以我的心也跟著篤篤地跳.
看著男角走上注定的頹敗, 混合著哀傷與無奈的感覺更顯得那由草莓, 櫻桃, 春日的天使之吻所釀造出的美酒是如何地美了!! 

Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things

I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled to
A song that I had only sang to just a few
She saw my silver spurs and said let's pass the time
And I will give to you summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you summer wine
Oh, summer wine

My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak
I tried to get up but I couldn't find my feet
She reassured me with an unfamiliar line
And then she gave to me more summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you summer wine
Mmm, summer wine

When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice its size
She took my silver spurs, a dollar and a dime
And left me cravin' for more summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you summer wine
Mmm, summer wine

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但由於他深層的意義, 與讓人印象深刻的旋律, 所以我一直很喜歡, 也因此聽了Eagles的其他歌曲.

70年代的美國, 特別是加州, 是毒品與性的大本營.
逃家的年輕男女們在這裡過著"愛與和平"的嘻皮生活, 賣春來換取毒品, 或者吸毒過量致死都是很普通的事.
歌中的Colitas暗指大麻, spirit是烈酒.

And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast

這段歌詞讓我心驚, 一部份是他傳達的意象, 一部分是這跟我看過的兩本書中吸食LSD的反應不謀而合.

其中一本書叫"十五歲的遺書(Go Ask Alice)", 是真人的日記出版. 書中的少女正是美國70年代的受害者. 她原是內向平凡的女孩, 愛書本勝於人群. 因為父親是教授, 所以家庭背景是無論是教育或者經濟都相當不錯的.
只因為在暑假拜訪外婆時偶然參加了朋友的聚會, 喝了參有迷幻藥的飲料, 從此開始一步步邁向死亡.
先是染上毒癮, 離家前往加州, 無數掙扎, 到戒毒, 之後卻被吸毒的同學排擠, 陷害, 下藥, 進瘋人院, 直到毒害.
因為日記中的描述赤裸裸的真實很直接, 加上少女的單純平凡就如同你我, 所以讀完之時我受到的衝擊非常大.
記得高三英文課報告時, 心臟撲通撲通跳的我曾經對一整班無法取得時代共鳴的女孩們推薦這本書.

You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave'

這句也因為過於真實而讓人害怕, 不過很多事也就是這樣了! 

On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dimmer
I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
'This could be heaven or this could be hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say---

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely face)
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
She got the Mercedes Benz
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweats
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
'Please bring me my wine'
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middles of the night
Just to hear them say---

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely face)
They living it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring you alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said 'We are all just prisoners here of our own device'
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
'Relax', said the night man
'We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave'

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為了慶祝東西德合併, 全國放假一天.

我想, 說不定會有遊行呢!

這是美國的感恩節遊行, 在有名的梅西百貨前.
演唱者是Jai Rodriguez, Queer Eye的一員.

King Tut(原唱: Steve Martin)

這首歌的歌詞聽聽笑笑就好, 倒也沒有貼的必要.
Jai的語調實在是太好了, 抑揚頓挫.
而且眼神, 表情還有舞蹈, 超可愛的XD!!!

另外, 再補上一首我很喜歡的Destiny Child的Say My Name.

Say My Name

(那女生就是Destiny Child的團員Michelle Williams, 我覺得她非常的性感...)
對唱唱到第四句---就是Jai唱的第二遍"say my name say my name", 那樂隊真好呀, 效果好棒!

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我喜歡聽名謠, 而野玫瑰是最喜歡的一首之一. 
上禮拜發現原來是歌德的詩呀. 樂曲有很多版, 我有的是WernerSchubert的版本.
(由於平常貼音樂的方法失敗了, 所以我貼到另一個網站上, 點一下就行了.) 

Sah ein Kanabein Roslein stehn, Roslein aufder Heiden, 
War so jung und morgenschon, lief er schnell, es nah zu sehn, 
Sah’s mit vielen Freuden, Roslein, Roslein,Roslein rot, 
Roslein auf der Heiden. 

Kna be sprachich brechedich, Roslein aufder Heiden, 
Roeslein sprachich stechedich, dab du ewig denkst an mich, 
Und ich will’s nicht leiden, Roslein, Roslein,Roslein rot, 
Roslein auf der Heiden. 

Under wil de Kna be brach, Roslein aufder Heiden, 
Roslein wehrte sich und stach, half ihm doch kein weh und ach, 
Mubt es e ben leiden, Roslein, Roslein, Roslein rot, 
Roslein auf der Heiden.


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Two drifters off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end
Waiting 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend
Moon river and me 

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這是Lizzie從國中畢業的前一晚, 她在房間唱唱跳跳, 卻沒想到, 這些都被弟弟Matt用隱藏在遙控車上的攝影機拍下來了~~~ 

Lizzie Mcguire(莉琪的異想世界)是Disney的影集(2001~2003), 在美國廣受青少年歡迎. 
Lizzie(Hilary Duff飾)是個14歲的女孩, 故事圍繞著她的家庭與校園生活. 
影集一直拍到16歲, 劇中的主角們要升高中(美國是國中兩年 高中四年), 所以最後是以電影做結---他們到義大利參加畢業旅行, 遇到一場大冒險, 最後Lizzie與好友Gordo(也是影集主角之一, Adam Lamberg飾)在夜空下輕輕一吻, 為這影集畫下浪漫又令人驚訝的句點! 

我放的是電影的一開頭, 因為Lizzie實在是太可愛了. 
而且The Tide Is High實在是太好聽了, 比這片的主題曲還好聽! 
這首歌的原唱者是Atomic Kitten. 
關於Lizzie又唱又跳Zalacata本來覺得很奇怪, 不過我跟他說這是大部分女生都會做的事~(笑) 

Gordo是Lizzie最好的朋友, 因為發育很慢長不高, 所以努力充實自己的內在. 
這是我在影集中最喜歡的角色, 長的很可愛, 中文配音很難得地很好聽, 思想成熟, 是個文藝青年, 而且體育很糟:P! 
Zalacata也喜歡Gordo, 應該是因為他很重義氣, 很替朋友著想吧! 
(同樣的, 他也想要這種朋友...) 

關於最後Lizzie跟Gordo在一起, 實在是讓我大大地吃了一驚! 
感覺有點像看Friends(六人行), Joey忽然發現自己愛上Rachel時一樣. 
不過也非常浪漫呢, "點到為止"讓觀眾充滿了不滿足與無限幻想~ 

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