我這幾天發現一齣有趣的音樂劇---百老匯在2003年上映, 受到觀眾喜愛的Avenue Q (可愛大街). 
在美國小孩子都是看芝麻街長大的, 但是長大後呢? 
給青少年和大人看的Avenue Q幽默地大談大唱種族, 性, 網路色情等等..., 其中不乏適時地冒出F-words, 甚至有18禁的場面. 

Avenue Q is about real life. It's about finding a job, losing a job, learning about racism, getting an apartment, getting kicked out of your apartment, being different, falling in love, promiscuity, avoiding commitment, hangovers, Internet porn and discovering the world. 
(這段就充當劇情大綱, 我就不另外敘說了.) 

這其實是齣布偶劇, 部分演員身著黑裝, 一面唱歌一面控制手上的布偶-也就是主角們, 而且他們的肢體動作會與布偶一致. 部分演員則是像平常一樣, 著戲服, 不用布偶.
(Why? 也許要參考芝麻街吧...) 
場景是曼哈頓的郊區, 房價低廉的貧民住宅. (布魯克林?) 
主角設定不但反應著我們的社會, 一方面也影射著芝麻街, 可惜我沒看過芝麻街, 否則一定可以看出趣味性... 
Princeton是剛出社會的新鮮人, 他發現唸了四年拿到的英國文學學士文憑一點用處也沒有.(天哪, 我真的開始擔心我的未來了!) 
Brian是33歲的失業人士, 他從小就夢想成為喜劇演員, 可是如今一事無成. 
Brian的未婚妻Christmas Eve是心理治療師, 但因為是日本人, 所以沒有顧客上門. 
Kate Monster是幼稚園教師. 將與Princeton墜入情網, 但在結局之前戀情並不順利. 
Rod是個同性戀, 但是始終不敢承認. 他愛上他的室友Nicky. 
他倆的生活一團糟. 而Nicky後來被害怕被發現事實的Rod給趕出了公寓. 
Trakkie Monster整天在網路上瀏覽A片. 
Gary Coleman是黑人, 他小時後是童星, 但長大只能做大樓管理員. 
(此時大家合唱It Sucks To Be Me.) 

這音樂不像西貢小姐或悲慘世界等百老匯作品, 也非韋伯式的經典, 但卻琅琅上口很入耳, 很有"大家一起唱"的氣氛. 而且, 仔細聽的話, 的確是聽的到"跟音樂劇一樣的橋段". 
我很喜歡Princeton(John Tartaglia飾)的音色, 很亮. 
當他唱Purpose的時候, 很有新版Starlight Express中Rusty唱Crazy時的味道. 
我對Avenue Q的歌詞印象尤其深刻, 用字遣辭不深, 可是很犀利也很有趣, 同時又押韻, 讓人聽了會會心一笑:) 

Everyone's A Little Bit Racist
Princeton跟Kate聊到種族主義, 其他鄰居後來也一個個加入, 大家都承認, 其實每個人都有那麼一點種族主義. 

:Say, Kate, can I ask you a question? 
Kate Monster:Sure! 
Princeton:Well, you know Trekkie Monster upstairs? 
Kate Monster:Uh huh. 
Princeton:Well, he's Trekkie Monster, and you're Kate Monster. 
Kate Monster:Right. 
Princeton:You're both Monsters. 
Kate Monster:Yeah. 
Princeton:Are you two related? 
Kate Monster:What?! Princeton, I'm surprised at you! I find that racist! 
Princeton:Oh, well, I'm sorry! I was just asking! 
Kate Monster:Well, it's a touchy subject. No, not all Monsters are related. What are you trying say, huh? That we all look the same to you? Huh, huh, huh? 
Princeton:No, no, no, not at all. I'm sorry, I guess that was a little racist. 
Kate Monster:I should say so. You should be much more careful when you're talking about the sensitive subject of race. 
Princeton:Well, look who's talking! 
Kate Monster:What do you mean? 
Princeton:What about that special Monster School you told me about? 
Kate Monster:What about it? 
Princeton:Could someone like me go there? 
Kate Monster:No, we don't want people like you- 

:You see?!You're a little bit racist. 
Kate Monster:Well, you're a little bit too. 
Princeton:I guess we're both a little bit racist. 
Kate Monster:Admitting it is not an easy thing to do... 
Princeton:But I guess it's true. 
Kate Monster:Between me and you, I think 
Both:Everyone's a little bit racist 
Doesn't mean we go 
Around committing hate crimes. 
Look around and you will find 
No one's really color blind. 
Maybe it's a fact We all should face 
Everyone makes judgments 
Based on race. 

:Now not big judgments, like who to hire or who to buy a newspaper from - 
Kate Monster:No! 
Princeton:No, just little judgments like thinking that Mexican busboys should learn to speak goddamn English! 
Kate Monster:Right! 

:Everyone's a little bit racist 
So, everyone's a little bit racist 
Ethinic jokes might be uncouth, 
But you laugh because 
They're based on truth. 
Don't take them as 
Personal attacks. 
Everyone enjoys them - 
So relax! 

:All right, stop me if you've heard this one. 
Kate Monster:Okay! 
Princeton:There's a plan going down and there's only one paracute. And there's a rabbi, a priest... 
Kate Monster:And a black guy! 
Gary Coleman:Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Kate? 
Kate Monster:Uh... 
Gary Coleman:You were telling a black joke! 
Princeton:Well, sure, Gary, but lots of people tell black jokes. 
Gary Coleman:I don't. 
Princeton:Well, of course you don't - you're black! But I bet you tell Polack jokes, right? 
Gary Coleman:Well, sure I do. Those stupid Polacks! 
Princeton:Now, don't you think that's a little racist? 
Gary Coleman:Well, damn, I guess you're right. 

Kate Monster
:You're a little bit racist. 
Gary Coleman:Well, you're a little bit too. 
Princeton:We're all a little bit racist. 
Gary Coleman:I think that I would Have to agree with you. 
Princeton/Kate Monster:We're glad you do. 
Gary Coleman:It's sad but true! Everyone's a little bit racist -All right! 
Kate Monster:All right! 
Princeton:All right! 
Gary Coleman:All right! 
Bigotry has never been 
Exclusively white 
All:If we all could just admit 
That we are racist a little bit, 
Even though we all know 
That it's wrong, 
Maybe it would help us 
Get along. 

:Oh, Christ do I feel good. 
Gary Coleman:Now there was a fine upstanding black man! 
Gary Coleman:Jesus Christ. 
Kate Monster:But, Gary, Jesus was white. 
Gary Coleman:No, Jesus was black. 
Kate Monster:No, Jesus was white. 
Gary Coleman:No, I'm pretty sure that Jesus was black- 
Princeton:Guys, guys...Jesus was Jewish! 

:Hey guys, what are you laughing about? 
Gary Coleman:Racism! 
Christmas Eve:BRIAN! Come back here! You take out lecycuraburs! 
Princeton:What's that mean? 
Brian:Um, recyclables. Hey, don't laugh at her! How many languages do you speak? 
Kate Monster:Oh, come off it, Brian! 
Everyone's a little bit racist. 
Brian:I'm not! 
Princeton:Oh no? 
Brian:Nope! How many Oriental wives 
Have you got? 
Christmas Eve:What? Brian! 
Princeton:Brian, buddy, where you been? 
The term is Asian-American! 
Christmas Eve:I know you are no Intending to be 
But calling me Oriental - 
Offensive to me! 

:I'm sorry, honey, I love you. 
Christmas Eve:And I love you. 
Brian: But you're racist, too. 
Christmas Eve:Yes, I know. 
The Jews have all 
The money 
And the whites have all 
The power. 
And I'm always in taxi-cab 
With driver who no shower! 
Princeton:Me too! 
Kate Monster:Me too! 
Gary Coleman:I can't even get a taxi! 

:Everyone's a little bit racist 
It's true. 
But everyone is just about 
As racist as you! 
If we all could just admit 
That we are racist a little bit, 
And everyone stopped being 
So PC 
Maybe we could live in - 
Christmas Eve:Evlyone's a ritter bit lacist! 

(咦, 原來在美國, 波蘭人會被黑人歧視?! 是因為英文很菜嗎...?) 
寫的真好啊, no one's really color blind!
我是一個會去在乎種族的人, 再怎樣想忽略, 還是會自卑. 
因為, well, they're based on truth! 不過, 也因為是如此, 所以我要學著以平常心去看待:) 

The Internet is For Porn
Kate在幼稚園要教小朋友一堂網路課, 但Trekkie卻一直干擾, 說網路是為A片而生. 
Kate很生氣, 但其他男性角色都附和Trekkie... 

這首歌非常地流行, 我以前還以為是某個網友的創作... 
(這是我最喜歡的blog之一. Paris先生是法國音樂跟阿拉伯音樂的專家!) 

Mix Tap
Princeton挑了一些歌給Kate, 而Kate試著從中找出Princeton對自己的感情究竟是友情還是愛情... 

Kate Monster:(節選) 
Sometimes when someone 
Has a crush on you 
They'll make you a mix tape 
To give you a clue. 
Let's see... 
"You've Got A Friend" 
"The Theme From 'Friends'" 
"That's What Friends Are For" 

Oh, but look!

 "A Whole New World" 
"Kiss The Girl"
 "My Cherie Amour" 

Oh, Princeton! He does like me! 

"I Am The Walrus" 
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
 "Yellow Submarine" 
What does this mean? 

Oh well, 當你都認識這些歌..., 你就找到笑點了. 
接著還有B面, 當Kate終於認為Princeton是喜歡自己的時候, Princeton卻說他還要回去幫每個鄰居都錄一份... 

Fine Line
與Princeton分手後, 看見他與風塵女子Lucy在一起, Kate心碎地唱出愛情和浪費時間只有一線之隔. 

Kate Monster:(節選) 
There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend; 
There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend; 
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb. 
There's a fine, fine line between love 
And a waste of time. 

There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie; 
And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye." 
I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime, 
But there's a fine, fine line between love 
And a waste of your time.

說的真好啊, there's a fine, fine line between love and a waste of your time. 
我覺得愛情不只是指對人的, 也可以是對事物的著迷. 
這是種"旁觀者清, 當局者迷"的狀況. 
而小部分..., 哎~那是當初年少輕狂, 不懂時間是用來把握的呀...(茶)

Nicky被Rod趕出公寓後, 向Gary求援, 但Gary卻向他解釋"幸災樂禍"! 

:Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy 
NICKY:I'll say. 
GARY COLEMAN:And when I see how sad you are It sort of makes me... Happy! 
GARY COLEMAN:Sorry, Nicky, human nature- 
Nothing I can do! 
Making me feel glad that I'm not you. 

:Well that's not very nice, Gary! 
GARY COLEMAN:I didn't say it was nice! 
But everybody does it! 
D'ja ever clap when a waitress falls and drops a tray of glasses? 
GARY COLEMAN:And ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses? 
GARY COLEMAN:And don'tcha feel all warm and cozy, 
Watching people out in the rain! 
NICKY:You bet! 
GARY AND NICKY:Schadenfreude! 
GARY COLEMAN:People taking pleasure in your pain! 

:Oh, Schadenfreude, huh? What's that, some kinda Nazi word? 
GARY COLEMAN:Yup! It's German for "happiness at the misfortune of others!" 
NICKY:"Happiness at the misfortune of others." That is German! 
Watching a vegetarian being told she just ate chicken 
GARY COLEMAN:Or watching a frat boy realize just what he put his dick in! 
NICKY:Being on the elevator when somebody shouts "Hold the door!" 
GARY AND NICKY:"No!!!"Schadenfreude! 
GARY COLEMAN:"Fuck you lady, that's what stairs are for!" 

:Ooh, how about...Straight-A students getting Bs? 
GARY COLEMAN:Exes getting STDs! 
NICKY:Waking doormen from their naps! 
GARY COLEMAN:Watching tourists reading maps! 
NICKY:Football players getting tackled! 
GARY COLEMAN:CEOs getting shackled! 
NICKY:Watching actors never reach 
GARY AND NICKY:The ending of their oscar speech! 

:The world needs people like you and me who've been knocked around by fate. 
'Cause when people see us, they don't want to be us, and that makes them feel great. 
NICKY:Sure! We provide a vital service to society! 
GARY AND NICKY:You and me! 
Making the world a better place... 
Making the world a better place... 
Making the world a better place... 
To be! 

天哪, 這些比方打的真絕!! 
Being on the elevator when somebody shouts "Hold the door!" 
"Fuck you lady, that's what stairs are for!"......XD 

雖然我不覺得我是個會幸災樂禍的人, 上面舉的例子也不適用於我, 不過偶爾感到"慶幸"一下, 或笑談某個裁判開了很多紅牌(對球員而言, 我這就是幸災樂禍~), 還是會的.
Hey, it's human nature!!! 


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